Monday, April 19, 2010

brainbook 00009

mouse off

"Oh, i'm between jobs at the moment...i've been out of work for a while, still not sure what I want to do. I'm enjoying not having the responsibility of a job, it's just that it gets so *boring* sometimes. I mean, you know what it's like? Nothing to do all day, you were unemployed recently.."

"Ha, yeah, but shit, i don't think i had time get bored! I was still pretty flat out even though i wasn't working." <- me being a bit of a dick

"Nah, but like, J's been out of work *six months*. You weren't out of work that long, but you know, after a while you get sooo bored! There's nothing to do! You go out of weekends, but during the day, there's nothing to do!"

"Are you serious?! I could be out of work for the rest of my life and I'd still never run out of things to do! There's so many books, languages to learn, like i'm still shithouse at violin, there's just so much to do!" <- me, well in my cups, crossing over to pretentious douche.

" don't understand..."


This universe is so fucking big, and one lifetime so tiny. You can pick any field you like - sport, fashion, maths, science, art, theology, cooking, needlework, ANYTHING - and you could spend your entire lifetime learning more details, more intricacies. The reason fields are becoming increasingly specialised is because the wealth of human knowledge is more than anyone can grasp within a lifetime. You might be a master at genetics, but your knowledge of physics will be lacking, you won't know dick about art, maybe have a fleeting understanding of a few sports...thassit.

There are people who can unicycle, build houses, name where the grapes in the wine were grown from one sip, manufacture drugs, design rockets, speak well in public, remember pi to tens of thousand places, compose symphonies, run countries, walk across broken glass, heal the sick, swordfight, find food in the wilderness, photograph new species of fish, develop artificial intelligence, sing well, knit a jumper, blow up a building, stage a revolution, sit in quiet meditation while being doused in petrol and set alight.

"But there's nothing to do!"

There are no boring situations, just boring people. I know i sound like a self-important fuckwit, maybe humility's another skill I need to work on...but a lifetime is so very short! You only get an average of 2.5 billion *seconds* couldn't even meet 1/3rd of the people in the world for one second each. Are you really content to let your *ONE life* dribble away, without getting to know a bit about the space around you?

I'd be a bit disappointed if this surprisingly animate lump of flesh expired without having some idea of what the fuck just happened.

grapplesincircles the face appeared it didn't feel like it came from me this time, but it couldn't, couldn't be that, just getting a bit overexcited. Too many books, you're just too gullible, let it alone, just get on, breathe, keep focused, become one with geometry quiet quiet boom like a space cadet flying at a stone wall boom atoms implosion drifting away, who's thinking this the images flashing up and up cheeks pulled apart ready to split, violent automatons and empty rooms, so similar and yet, not sure if there's a head inside the jigsaw it didn't look like it. The film that tracks you brainwaves and becomes the absolute scariest thing your body can construct at this moment right now.


We're told in high school that the number Pi is infinite, and non-repeating (first million digits are here). This means that logically, somewhere, eventually, the decimal expansion of pi should contain *every possible string of numbers*. For instance, my home phone number appears in the first million digits. Eventually you should be able to find every phone number in the world. Also remember that every image, or song, can be represented by numbers on logically pi, somewhere, eventually, contains every image ever produced, every song ever written...not just that, but every song that ever *will* be written.

Pi is the number used to calculate the curvature of any round object. So every curve you can see contains pi, which contains every film or song which will ever be written in the universe. Somewhere, eventually.

Do you believe this?


  1. the curves don't contain pi, we just use pi to calculate some useful numbers from the curve!

    numbers are abstractions, there is no way to quantify even the number 1, but if we ignore this fact, we can get some pretty accurate measurements from them.

    only an absolutely perfect (and theoretical) circle would contain pi, all the sphere's and curves in the real world would have a slightly different number, which would be very close but not be pi.

    at least, that makes sense to me.

  2. and in regards to pi containing every piece of art etc...

    a map of a system is never a duplication of a system.

    pi may contain your phone number, but it does not contain the phone, you, your mum, the telephone lines, the history of communication, or the time that you pressed each digit.

    if we can simplify that an abstract concept = 1, then we can easily simplify deduce that if we simplify things enough INTO 'OUR' SYSTEM OF NUMBER, then of we will find duplicates when we multiply our system by our system times infinity (which is also only theoretical btw)

    or I could be wrong...

  3. haha you're 100% correct - even the most perfect theoretical circle's gradient would break down in reality once you got down to the molecular level (at wild best). But try telling my high-school maths teacher that there's nothing objective about maths =P

    I just find it interesting when the lies to children break down. BTW I also enjoy telling toddlers about Santa and priests about Satan.

    Although I'm not sure why I'm bothering to tell you this as you're just a figment of my imagination.
