Tuesday, January 11, 2011

upcoming album - why we've been so quiet


ok, we've been quite quiet lately, show & blogwise. Have we lost our fury?!?! Did we resign ourselves to office-worker normalcy?!?!?! Is contagious soup-kitchen feigning fellatio sludge?!?!?!?

Answers: yes; no; sometimes.

Anyway, enough pompous shite! You will be utterly disinterested to hear that we've spent the last couple of months in a furious frenzy of song-writing and mental masturbation, in order to create the next installment of the dropbunny saga. Details are still mostly being kept under wraps at this stage, suffice it to say we're heading into the studio in March, and the album is a 19 track monstrosity that picks up from where Hypothesis left off.

I'm incredibly excited about this. It will be a lot more...constrasty? than Hypothesis - more abrasive, more technical, more groovy, darker, brighter, dancier, more austere. This album will mark the first determined steps towards a lunacy hinted at towards the end of the last album. Sorry to prattle like a prat about this, as mentioned, i'm incredibly excited @_@

ALSO IN THE WORKS: db are also releasing our first book, which should be released within the month. More on that to follow.

be good!


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